A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

April 5, 2017
by Jean
1 Comment

DLAB Erasmus free online course

Some of us who teach on FDLT, BALT and other education courses along with students and local teachers are part of an Erasmus+ project called Digital learning Across Boundaries – DLAB for short. We are working with educators in Belgium, … Continue reading

March 27, 2017
by Jean

International ‘Mystery Skype’ Conversations

Last week two Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching (FDLT) groups took part in conversations with students in Mexico and UN alumni in Brazil. The first part of the conversation was focused around asking and answering yes/no questions to find out … Continue reading

March 23, 2017
by Jean

Using a greenscreen app to take pupils to other times and places!

As part of their PDT 2016 module focused on enriching learning beyond the classroom and school site the FDLT Y2 (UN) group investigated using ipads and apps to create the experience of visiting other times and places. The students worked … Continue reading

February 9, 2017
by Jean

Using iPads outdoors

This year the FDLT Year 1 students in both Leicester and Park Campus, Northampton used the university Ipads as part of their learning. In a session focused on using digital technology to enrich the curriculum (art) they were given a … Continue reading

January 29, 2017
by Jean

Making our own digital books

This week in Year 2 of the FDLT course we have been exploring the making of digital books by educators to use with their pupils or by pupils supported by their teachers and TAs. Exploring some examples was a useful … Continue reading

May 27, 2016
by Jean
1 Comment

Playdate and TeachMeet – June 8th

Announcing the University of Northampton and IntoFilm Playdate and TeachMeet. This event, for educators across primary and secondary education, combines an interactive Digital Playdate with an informative TeachMeet to provide an inspiring opportunity to tinker with new tools and technologies … Continue reading

April 29, 2016
by Jean

Animating science!

This week the FDLT Y1 group at Park Campus worked with Sophie Burrows, from IntoFilm, to make short stop motion animations. In the module they have been developing their science subject knowledge so they each chose a science idea to … Continue reading

April 27, 2016
by Jean

Respecting intellectual property

Over the last few weeks I have been talking with Y1 students about using images to support learning and with Y2 students about choosing and using images to make a ThingLink. One important aspect of this has been to consider … Continue reading

March 24, 2016
by Jean

Exploring education around the world with Mystery Skype.

This week all three Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching (FDLT) groups took part in conversations with Teaching Assistants and students in other countries. Julie Jones, Estelle Tarry and Emel Thomas used their contacts to set up Skype conversations with schools … Continue reading