A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

February 13, 2021
by Jean

Mathematics resources and ideas!

Some useful resources to support learning in mathematics: The Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) have put together a collection of resources to support mathematics away from the screen. You can access it here. It is huge collection of useful … Continue reading

April 4, 2019
by Jean
1 Comment

Animating science!

This week in the FDLT Year 1 groups we have been using the stop motion animation app iMotion and the video editing app iMovie. The students devised, scripted and designed short animations to explain an idea or process. After they … Continue reading

June 13, 2018
by Jean

FDLT year 1 field trips

Last week the FDLT year 1 students went on field trips to explore different ways of supporting learning outdoors. Led by Ken Bland and Georgina Hand, they explored fieldwork around a river including mapping the meander, measuring depth; testing speed … Continue reading

May 22, 2018
by Jean

Free international online course

This year is the second year of the Digital Learning Across Boundaries (DLAB) project. We are nearly ready to share learning ideas and resources based around using digital technology creatively with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics). The … Continue reading

March 2, 2017
by Jean

Gallery visits for FDLT Y2

This week each of the FDLT Year 2 visited art galleries to explore how learning can be inspired and developed in locations other than the classroom. The UN group travelled to Avenue Campus to look at the exhibition ‘Under Construction’. … Continue reading

November 14, 2016
by Jean

An interview with Dylan Wiliam

I recently came across an interesting link on Dylan Wiliam’s Twitter feed. He was recently interviewed by a maths teacher, Craig Barton, and this interview is available for you to listen to as a podcast on his blog: MrBartonMaths. “On … Continue reading

October 17, 2016
by Jean

Cross Curricular Approaches to Learning

If you are in FDLT Year 2 you will be considering how the curriculum is organised this term. You may be searching for reading about how subjects can be connected to together in a connected or cross curricular approach. There … Continue reading

February 2, 2016
by Jean

Spot the station!

Following on from last week’s post about Tim Peake’s mission on the International Space Station (ISS) from this week we have the opportunity to view the ISS as it moves across the UK each day. The NASA website ‘Spot the … Continue reading

June 15, 2014
by Jean

Exploring World War 1 with FDLT Y2

This week we completed the PDT2008 curriculum module with an exploration of World War 1. The students used a ThingLink to follow interesting links to stories about World War 1 such as women in WW1, the role of animals, war … Continue reading