A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

September 18, 2020
by Jean

New resources from the National Literacy Trust.

This week the National Literacy trust launched two new online resources to support families and educators. The first is called Virtual School Library. You can access it here.  Each week the Virtual School Library will introduce a children’s author or … Continue reading

apple teacher modules

July 13, 2020
by Jean

Learning to use digital tools 3: Apple Teacher

Many of you will be using iPads to support learning in the classroom. As you use the iPad you and your pupils will quickly be able to work out how to use various tools as and when you need them. … Continue reading

Google AR TL image

July 6, 2020
by Jean

Learning to use digital tools 2: ThingLink

ThingLink is a digital tool available for all to use in a free and in a paid for version. The tools available through the free version are a great place to get started. Although it is available as an app … Continue reading

bitmoji outdoor classroom

June 17, 2020
by Jean

Create your own virtual classroom

You might have come across the idea of the #bitmojiclassroom on social media. Over the last few months, with many teachers and TAs away from face to face contact with their pupils, the idea of creating a virtual space that … Continue reading

children's cook covers

June 3, 2020
by Jean

How can we work for a better world?

As you keep up to date with the news you will no doubt be considering how we in education can work for a more fair and equal society. In classrooms using children’s literature as the basis for conversations is a … Continue reading

May 29, 2020
by Jean

Notice nature in June!

As the month of June begins there are some interesting activities taking place to draw our attention to the natural world. The first is the annual event run by The Wildlife Trusts: “30 Days Wild“. At the link you can … Continue reading

April 19, 2020
by Jean

Support for learning at home

Tomorrow two new national support resources for learning at home are being launched. If you are providing learning for your pupils at home or supporting your own children you might find these useful.  The first is by BBC Bitesize. This … Continue reading

March 27, 2020
by Jean

FDLT exploring augmented and virtual reality

Earlier in March FDLT Y2 students had the opportunity to explore augmented and virtual reality and consider how it could support learning now and in the future. The UoN students had a go at using the VIVE virtual reality headset … Continue reading

January 30, 2020
by Jean

Animating science!

Over the last few weeks the FDLT Year 1 students have been making stop motion animations. They used the app ‘StopMotionStudio’ on ipads to make their animations, and the app ‘iMovie’ to edit them, adding sounds and music.  The students … Continue reading