As you begin university you will need to consider where you are going to study at home and begin to prepare this space so that you are ready to use it from the beginning of September. There are some hints … Continue reading →
FDLT and BALT students graduate in the winter graduation ceremonies at the Royal and Derngate theatre, Northampton. We send them all our congratulations and wish them well in their next steps!
You may have seen in the news recently that the DfE have released details about an ‘Activity Passport‘. The announcement reads:”Primary school children will be challenged to go on a nature trail, visit a local landmark or make a treasure … Continue reading →
Last week the FDLT year 1 students went on field trips to explore different ways of supporting learning outdoors. Led by Ken Bland and Georgina Hand, they explored fieldwork around a river including mapping the meander, measuring depth; testing speed … Continue reading →
Great British Button Challenge! Hobbycraft did some research and found that out of the 10,000 people they surveyed 1 in 5 could not sew on a button, with 52% never taught this at school (Hobbycraft, 2018). This summer they’re running … Continue reading →
Nature live, straight into your classrooms! The Springwatch team are excited to announce eight new live programmes especially for schools! Beaming direct into your classroom, the Wild Academy will open for business at 1:30pm on Monday 4th June. Join us Monday … Continue reading →
My colleague Jeff Ollerton has written this useful advice about email addresses: Jeff Ollerton’s Biodiversity Blog: Advice to students: choose your email address carefully and think about changing it). If you work in or study education Jeff makes some very … Continue reading →
On Monday 15th January at 2pm there’s a live lesson available to watch to inspire your participation in the BBC Radio 2 500 words writing competition. You can see information about the live lesson here. Calling all story writers! Now … Continue reading →
This week the year 2 students used their phones or tablets to make short films exploring terms and ideas used when learning English. Their challenge was to define and explain their word in a one minute film using just the … Continue reading →
The FDLT Y2 Leicester group used their creative skills and Book Creator to make a collaborative book about some unexpected happenings in the classroom. Here’s the whole book on Google BookCreator: Classroom Adventures Here’s a version on YouTube: When making … Continue reading →