A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

May 18, 2018
by Jean

Exploring stop motion animation

Recently the FDLT Year 1 students have been learning about stop motion animation and exploring how this might support and inspire learning. Students chose an idea and planned and made a short animation to explain it. You can watch all … Continue reading

September 22, 2017
by Jean

Changes to assessment in primary schools

Last week the government published plans for changes to the way pupils are assessed at primary schools. You can read the announcement here. “The reforms will: improve the way that writing is assessed, so that teachers have more scope to … Continue reading

March 2, 2017
by Jean

Gallery visits for FDLT Y2

This week each of the FDLT Year 2 visited art galleries to explore how learning can be inspired and developed in locations other than the classroom. The UN group travelled to Avenue Campus to look at the exhibition ‘Under Construction’. … Continue reading

January 29, 2017
by Jean

Making our own digital books

This week in Year 2 of the FDLT course we have been exploring the making of digital books by educators to use with their pupils or by pupils supported by their teachers and TAs. Exploring some examples was a useful … Continue reading

December 8, 2016
by Jean

Five year olds not so bad after all!

Have a listen to this article on the BBC Radio 4 program More or Less. This is another example of the popular media presenting statistical data and research in one way, and the data itself conveying something else entirely. “Five … Continue reading

November 14, 2016
by Jean

An interview with Dylan Wiliam

I recently came across an interesting link on Dylan Wiliam’s Twitter feed. He was recently interviewed by a maths teacher, Craig Barton, and this interview is available for you to listen to as a podcast on his blog: MrBartonMaths. “On … Continue reading

October 17, 2016
by Jean

Cross Curricular Approaches to Learning

If you are in FDLT Year 2 you will be considering how the curriculum is organised this term. You may be searching for reading about how subjects can be connected to together in a connected or cross curricular approach. There … Continue reading

March 10, 2016
by Jean

Exploring science in FDLT Y1 1!

The Y1 students have been enjoying their science sessions this month. Here is a ThingLink that Wendy Yarnall, one of their tutors made, about exploring ice. Here are some photos of the Leicester group in their ice session. The students … Continue reading

October 6, 2015
by Jean

The Big Draw

October is the month of the The Big Draw in the UK and all over the world. ‘The Big Draw is the world’s biggest drawing festival with thousands of enjoyable, and mainly free, drawing activities which connect people of all ages … Continue reading

September 7, 2015
by Jean

Mind Changers

Carol Dweck and Growth Mindset (Radio 4 Wednesday 12th August and on iplayer and BoB) ‘Claudia Hammond presents the history of psychology series which examines the work of the people who have changed our understanding of the human mind. This … Continue reading