A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

March 31, 2017
by Jean

Recruiting for HLTA

Do you or a colleague want to join our next cohort preparing for assessment of HLTA standards? We are currently recruiting for the summer cohort in Northampton which starts on 28th April. Contact hlta@northampton.ac.uk  or call the HLTA office on … Continue reading

March 27, 2017
by Jean

International ‘Mystery Skype’ Conversations

Last week two Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching (FDLT) groups took part in conversations with students in Mexico and UN alumni in Brazil. The first part of the conversation was focused around asking and answering yes/no questions to find out … Continue reading

February 10, 2017
by Jean

You may be interested in this recent post on the East Midlands HLTA Network blog by my colleague, Wendy Yarnall: ATL report on the findings of survey into support staff workload and responsibility.

February 9, 2017
by Jean

Using iPads outdoors

This year the FDLT Year 1 students in both Leicester and Park Campus, Northampton used the university Ipads as part of their learning. In a session focused on using digital technology to enrich the curriculum (art) they were given a … Continue reading

February 3, 2017
by Jean

Thinking about teaching to the test.

You might be interested to here this short radio piece broadcast as part of ‘A Point of View’ on BBC Radio 4. Teaching to the test It asks you to consider some important larger issues that come from the current … Continue reading

January 29, 2017
by Jean

Making our own digital books

This week in Year 2 of the FDLT course we have been exploring the making of digital books by educators to use with their pupils or by pupils supported by their teachers and TAs. Exploring some examples was a useful … Continue reading

January 6, 2017
by Jean

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all blog readers! This is a time of year when although its only half way through the education year we often feel inclined to review, reflect and make resolutions to improve our lives. If you’re on … Continue reading

December 12, 2016
by Jean

OFSTED and marking

In a blog post on November 28th I discussed the recent School Inspection Update as regards deployment of teaching assistants. Also in that document was some discussion of marking: “The last three school inspection updates have included information about our … Continue reading

December 8, 2016
by Jean

Five year olds not so bad after all!

Have a listen to this article on the BBC Radio 4 program More or Less. This is another example of the popular media presenting statistical data and research in one way, and the data itself conveying something else entirely. “Five … Continue reading

November 28, 2016
by Jean

Teaching Assistants and School Inspection Update.

Last week the latest issue of the School Inspection Update was issues by OFSTED. It referred to the deployment and use of Teaching Assistants (TAs) and this information may be of interest to you. It draws on newer research published … Continue reading