A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

September 18, 2020
by Jean

New resources from the National Literacy Trust.

This week the National Literacy trust launched two new online resources to support families and educators. The first is called Virtual School Library. You can access it here.  Each week the Virtual School Library will introduce a children’s author or … Continue reading

children's cook covers

June 3, 2020
by Jean

How can we work for a better world?

As you keep up to date with the news you will no doubt be considering how we in education can work for a more fair and equal society. In classrooms using children’s literature as the basis for conversations is a … Continue reading

May 29, 2020
by Jean

Notice nature in June!

As the month of June begins there are some interesting activities taking place to draw our attention to the natural world. The first is the annual event run by The Wildlife Trusts: “30 Days Wild“. At the link you can … Continue reading

May 18, 2020
by Jean

Make your own miniature books with the British Library.

There are lots of fantastic resources to support learning at home available on the British Library website.  In the one outlined here we are shown the collection of miniature books called The Infant’s Library which were created in the nineteenth … Continue reading

April 4, 2019
by Jean
1 Comment

Animating science!

This week in the FDLT Year 1 groups we have been using the stop motion animation app iMotion and the video editing app iMovie. The students devised, scripted and designed short animations to explain an idea or process. After they … Continue reading

January 9, 2019
by Jean

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of you! Here’s the Action for Happiness calendar for January 2019.     Action for Happiness (2019) Happy New Year calendar. [online] Available from: http://www.actionforhappiness.org/happy-new-year [Accessed 9/1/19]        

November 15, 2018
by Jean

Make your own digital advent calendar!

I’ve come across this website which allows you to make your own advent calendar. You can add a message, photos, links to video and links to other digital material. It is free to use non commercially and can be shared using … Continue reading