A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

February 24, 2021
by Jean

Adding sound to art!

This week I gave an online talk at the Primary Art Craft Design Network Meeting for County Durham Art Co-ordinators. It was based around using audio and images together in viewing and making art. Here is the digital book used … Continue reading

Google AR TL image

July 6, 2020
by Jean

Learning to use digital tools 2: ThingLink

ThingLink is a digital tool available for all to use in a free and in a paid for version. The tools available through the free version are a great place to get started. Although it is available as an app … Continue reading

May 29, 2020
by Jean

Notice nature in June!

As the month of June begins there are some interesting activities taking place to draw our attention to the natural world. The first is the annual event run by The Wildlife Trusts: “30 Days Wild“. At the link you can … Continue reading

May 18, 2020
by Jean

Make your own miniature books with the British Library.

There are lots of fantastic resources to support learning at home available on the British Library website.  In the one outlined here we are shown the collection of miniature books called The Infant’s Library which were created in the nineteenth … Continue reading

April 19, 2020
by Jean

Inspiring learning at home

As we move into the summer term and continue to educate many pupils at home the amount of resources to support and inspire learning at home as exploded. In the previous blog post I shared information about two national resources … Continue reading

March 27, 2020
by Jean

FDLT exploring augmented and virtual reality

Earlier in March FDLT Y2 students had the opportunity to explore augmented and virtual reality and consider how it could support learning now and in the future. The UoN students had a go at using the VIVE virtual reality headset … Continue reading

January 30, 2020
by Jean

Animating science!

Over the last few weeks the FDLT Year 1 students have been making stop motion animations. They used the app ‘StopMotionStudio’ on ipads to make their animations, and the app ‘iMovie’ to edit them, adding sounds and music.  The students … Continue reading

May 30, 2019
by Jean

International connections on FDLT!

FDLT Students Enriching Experiences – Mystery Skype and Zoom Room This week Year 2 Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching (FDLT) students took part in a Mystery Skype activity and had extended discussions within a Zoom Room. After the Mystery Skype … Continue reading

May 22, 2019
by Jean

Taking the learning outdoors!

Last week the FDLT Year 1 students had the opportunity to use the outdoors as a learning environment.We spent the morning beside the river exploring  and measuring the landscape.                       … Continue reading