A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

December 1, 2017
by Jean

Record Playback

This week the year 2 students used their phones or tablets to make short films exploring terms and ideas used when learning English. Their challenge was to define and explain their word in a one minute film using just the … Continue reading

November 23, 2017
by Jean

Classroom Adventures!

The FDLT Y2 Leicester group used their creative skills and Book Creator to make a collaborative book about some unexpected happenings in the classroom. Here’s the whole book on Google BookCreator: Classroom Adventures Here’s a version on YouTube: When making … Continue reading

October 20, 2017
by Jean

The secret life of Park Campus – an interactive digital book.

This week the FDLT Year 2 UN group explored the tools available in BookCreator in a session about supporting learning in English through using digital technology. You can read more about BookCreator and see some great examples here. They explored … Continue reading

May 17, 2017
by Jean

Ideas for supporting learning from children’s book illustrators

On Monday I was lucky to attend a creative session in the School Experience Library, at Park Campus, University of Northampton. This session, arranged by Academic Librarian, Hannah Rose and Library Learning Services, brought two author illustrators to share with … Continue reading

November 14, 2016
by Jean

An interview with Dylan Wiliam

I recently came across an interesting link on Dylan Wiliam’s Twitter feed. He was recently interviewed by a maths teacher, Craig Barton, and this interview is available for you to listen to as a podcast on his blog: MrBartonMaths. “On … Continue reading

July 18, 2016
by Jean

Summer homework

As schools break up for the summer thought will be given to encouraging children to keep learning over the holidays. Local libraries run the Summer Reading Challenge each year and this year it is part of the year long celebration … Continue reading

January 21, 2016
by Jean

500 words

BBC Radio 2 launched the annual ‘500 words’ writing competition for children this week. You access the website here. It is for children aged between 5 and 15 in two groups – 5 to 9 and 10 to 13. There … Continue reading

October 21, 2015
by Jean

Assessing Without Levels

You may have noticed that in mid September the ‘Commission on Assessment Without Levels: final report’ was published. It can be accessed here. At this same link you can access two videos where John McIntosh CBE, Chair of the Commission … Continue reading