A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

December 12, 2016
by Jean

OFSTED and marking

In a blog post on November 28th I discussed the recent School Inspection Update as regards deployment of teaching assistants. Also in that document was some discussion of marking: “The last three school inspection updates have included information about our … Continue reading

December 8, 2016
by Jean

Five year olds not so bad after all!

Have a listen to this article on the BBC Radio 4 program More or Less. This is another example of the popular media presenting statistical data and research in one way, and the data itself conveying something else entirely. “Five … Continue reading

September 21, 2016
by Jean

Teachers’ Media

You might remember Teachers TV – many of the videos and resources and more are now available through the website teachers’ Media. You can access it here: Teachers’ Media You will need to create a username and password to access … Continue reading

September 5, 2016
by Jean

Setting up folders your computer

If you are joining FDLT year 1 in September you might be thinking about getting organised. Most of you will be studying the five modules shown to the right. You will be introduced to our virtual learning environment, NILE, where … Continue reading

August 26, 2016
by Jean

Back to School!

I hope you are all enjoying the last few days of the summer break before returning to school. As well as going back to school you will also be thinking about either starting or continuing your university course. If you … Continue reading

July 18, 2016
by Jean

Summer homework

As schools break up for the summer thought will be given to encouraging children to keep learning over the holidays. Local libraries run the Summer Reading Challenge each year and this year it is part of the year long celebration … Continue reading

January 29, 2016
by Jean

Tim Peake – Principia Mission

On the 15th December 2015 Tim Peake left the earth in the Soyuz rocket for a six month stay on the International Space Station. You can see some highlights of the launch day in this video: The name of this … Continue reading

January 5, 2016
by Jean

Teaching with Tablets

During February and March our online course ‘Teaching with Tablets‘ will be running. This course is free to anyone to sign up for and take part in. Below are some details: Welcome to our 5-week Teaching with Tablets course. This … Continue reading

May 3, 2015
by Jean

Let’s Teach Computing!

From May the 11th you can sign up to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) called Let’s Teach Computing. Here are the details: Details Let’s Teach Computing is a Department for Education funded MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).  It is … Continue reading

April 30, 2015
by Jean

Using pictures and images to support learning

Over the last few weeks I have been teaching a session about using images to support learning and teaching to FDLT Y1. we have explored searching for images online and issues of safety, copyrightt and citation / referencing. One useful … Continue reading