A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

October 24, 2018
by Jean

Exploring assessment

Many FDLT students will be exploring summative and formative assessment. Here are some links to interesting resources to make you think! Formative and summative assessment, a blog post by David Didau. As well as raising some interesting points this blog … Continue reading

September 22, 2017
by Jean

Changes to assessment in primary schools

Last week the government published plans for changes to the way pupils are assessed at primary schools. You can read the announcement here. “The reforms will: improve the way that writing is assessed, so that teachers have more scope to … Continue reading

February 3, 2017
by Jean

Thinking about teaching to the test.

You might be interested to here this short radio piece broadcast as part of ‘A Point of View’ on BBC Radio 4. Teaching to the test It asks you to consider some important larger issues that come from the current … Continue reading

December 12, 2016
by Jean

OFSTED and marking

In a blog post on November 28th I discussed the recent School Inspection Update as regards deployment of teaching assistants. Also in that document was some discussion of marking: “The last three school inspection updates have included information about our … Continue reading

December 8, 2016
by Jean

Five year olds not so bad after all!

Have a listen to this article on the BBC Radio 4 program More or Less. This is another example of the popular media presenting statistical data and research in one way, and the data itself conveying something else entirely. “Five … Continue reading

November 14, 2016
by Jean

An interview with Dylan Wiliam

I recently came across an interesting link on Dylan Wiliam’s Twitter feed. He was recently interviewed by a maths teacher, Craig Barton, and this interview is available for you to listen to as a podcast on his blog: MrBartonMaths. “On … Continue reading

October 17, 2016
by Jean

Exploring formative and summative assessment

If you have just started the FDLT course in year 1 you will be starting to think more deeply about forms of assessment in education. As well as the academic reading that you are doing you can explore assessment through … Continue reading

October 21, 2015
by Jean

Assessing Without Levels

You may have noticed that in mid September the ‘Commission on Assessment Without Levels: final report’ was published. It can be accessed here. At this same link you can access two videos where John McIntosh CBE, Chair of the Commission … Continue reading

October 24, 2014
by Jean

stories of assessment

Last week Dylan Wiliam tweeted this: I know that lots of you have thought about formative assessment as part of PDT1004 and in other modules when you are reflecting upon practice. I know from talking with you in sessions that … Continue reading

October 23, 2013
by Jean

Dylan Wiliam

Many academics who research and write about education share their work using Twitter, filmed lectures and their own websites. This can be useful for students as you can explore their views and insights in a variety of ways. An example … Continue reading