A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

January 5, 2018
by Jean

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Here’s a great way of starting 2018 with some actions for happiness.       There is more detail about starting the new year in a positive frame of mind here. It would be interesting to devise … Continue reading

December 21, 2017
by Jean

Good deeds!

I came across this great idea from Action for Happiness on Twitter. Its a calendar encouraging people to be kind throughout December (and beyond). Its also available in Italian, French and in a decoration free version. The organisation Action for … Continue reading

December 1, 2017
by Jean

Record Playback

This week the year 2 students used their phones or tablets to make short films exploring terms and ideas used when learning English. Their challenge was to define and explain their word in a one minute film using just the … Continue reading

November 23, 2017
by Jean

Classroom Adventures!

The FDLT Y2 Leicester group used their creative skills and Book Creator to make a collaborative book about some unexpected happenings in the classroom. Here’s the whole book on Google BookCreator: Classroom Adventures Here’s a version on YouTube: When making … Continue reading

September 29, 2017
by Jean

Children’s Laureate

The current Children’s Laureate is Lauren Child and she is in this role from 2017 to 2019. This is what the Book trust said about her: “The role of Children’s Laureate is awarded once every two years to an eminent … Continue reading

September 22, 2017
by Jean

Changes to assessment in primary schools

Last week the government published plans for changes to the way pupils are assessed at primary schools. You can read the announcement here. “The reforms will: improve the way that writing is assessed, so that teachers have more scope to … Continue reading

September 4, 2017
by Jean

Collecting information about your school

When you begin to take part in discussion about your setting and when you begin to write assignments you will need some basic information about your school to provide contextual background. It would be useful if you could collect this … Continue reading

August 30, 2017
by Jean

What shall I bring to the first session?

By now you will have received an email from Abbie Deeming, the course leader. You will probably be thinking about the first day and what to bring. Here is a reminder: You must bring: 2 forms of ID for enrolment … Continue reading

August 25, 2017
by Jean

No more boys and girls

Over the last two weeks BBC2 have screened ‘No More Boys and Girls – Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?’ and it is also available on iPlayer until mid September. You can read more about it here.       … Continue reading

August 14, 2017
by Jean

The curriculum

As students studying education you will be required to read and refer to the curriculum documents for your key stage. These can be accessed online at the links below. Early years You can access the Early years foundation stage framework … Continue reading