A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON



#Nuture1415 is a social media based review of 2014 written by people involved in education.

@ChocoTzar introduces it here:

“So, it begins. Although to be fair I think others have beaten me to the blog. This is the third year of Nurture Blogging, which in the Twitterverse is like, forever.

The principles are even more simple this year: five positives from 2014 and five wishes for 2015. Yes, we’ve slimmed it down to make it accessible and sustainable – but if you do want the challenge task, it is fourteen positives from 2014 and fifteen wishes for 2015. If you have a Nurture1314 post you may review that too. Once that is done, post it with #nurture1415

It’s one of my favourite blogging themes. Every year loads of people get involved including first time bloggers. The writing has included pedagogy, leadership, social work, health care as well as far more personal matters such as families, love lives,  mental health and life changing events. Basically, anything goes.”

You can read her whole post here.

This is great opportunity for to read reflections on teaching and learning, lives in education and supporting learners.

You can find many interesting (and moving) posts by exploring a list of links to them here or you can search #Nuture1415 on twitter to find links to blog posts.

Here’s mine:

You might like to write your own #Nuture1415 – five positives from 2014 and five wishes for 2015. It can be a personal reflection for yourselves of if you wish, you can share it using #Nuture1415 or by posting a link in the comments here.


Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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