A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

A school that blogs!


Lots of schools now have their own blogs where they share school news and learning and teaching ideas. Its a great way of allowing parents and other interested people a window into school life and getting some positive feedback and interaction for children. It also provides opportunities to write for a real and interested audience.

SBblogStandens Barn Primary in Northampton has a great blog which you can access here.

There is a blog for each class and also blogs for specific people or themes such as ‘Sports Reports’, ‘Mr Chalmers’ DLs’ and ‘Clubs’.

I first became aware of this blog when Wayne Chalmers brought the school’s Digital Leaders to the University of Northampton for the afternoon to work some of our students who are STEM champions. (STEM is short for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics.) We had an interesting inspiring afternoon of using ipads to photograph and film with round the campus, following a treasure hunt and then in pairs making a short film. You can read the university press release here and you can see the films here.

Last weekend I was aware through all the tweets appearing that the BETT show was happening in London – a huge annual sharing of ideas and resources around educational technology. Then I saw some familiar faces as some of the Digital Leaders from Standens Barn and their teachers appeared! You can read about their visit here.

And next week I’m looking forward to another post as I know they are coming to the #TeachMeetNorthampton2015 on Wednesday to share their ideas and experiences.

There are lots of other schools who blog and I can see that Standens Barn Primary are making connections to other schools locally and further away. Its a great opportunity for the children to learn about the lives of other children.

If your school has a blog and you would like to share it with us why not add it to the comments below? Or even better, write a little piece about it and I’ll share it here.



Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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