A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

June 12, 2017
by Jean

Stop motion animation

Last week Sophie Burrows, from Into Film, came to work with the FDLT year 1 groups to introduce stop motion animation as a technique for engaging learners. Sophie introduced the group to the basic principles that underpin stop motion animation: … Continue reading

September 7, 2015
by Jean

Mind Changers

Carol Dweck and Growth Mindset (Radio 4 Wednesday 12th August and on iplayer and BoB) ‘Claudia Hammond presents the history of psychology series which examines the work of the people who have changed our understanding of the human mind. This … Continue reading

April 30, 2015
by Jean

Using pictures and images to support learning

Over the last few weeks I have been teaching a session about using images to support learning and teaching to FDLT Y1. we have explored searching for images online and issues of safety, copyrightt and citation / referencing. One useful … Continue reading

November 27, 2014
by Jean

ECYP book group – first meeting

The inaugural meeting of the Education, Children and Young People Book Group took place on the evening of 24th November. The chosen book was ‘Goodbye Sarajevo,’ an autobiographical account of two sisters’ experiences growing up in the Bosnian War of … Continue reading