Using Google to support your learning at university
There are many tools available through Google that will support your learning at university. In order to access and use these you will need a Google account. You can easily sign up for one here:
When you have your Google account you will be able to use a number of useful tools:
It is useful to have a gmail address to use to sign in and give you access to all the other tools available through Google even if you don’t use it for email.
Google Drive
Google Drive allows you to store documents (files, spreadsheets, slides) in the cloud so that they are available to you online. You can also share them with others so that you can work collaboratively to add and edit your work. We might have a shared document in a taught session that you could be asked to contribute to.
Google+ Account
Google+ allows you join Google communities of people with similar interests. We might set up a Google community for a topic or subject that you can join and interact on, sharing ideas and resources. There are many existing Google Communities that are of interest to students, and people working in education that you can browse and join. This is a link to the Teaching Assistant community run by TA Focus Teaching Assistant Community that could be of interest to you.