A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

The Educators – Ken Robinson


From Wednesday August 13th Radio 4 is broadcasting a series of programmes called ‘The Educators’. Each programme is on Wednesday at 4pm with a repeat at 12.15 am on Mondays. They can also be heard on iplayer and I will add them to Box of Broadcasts each week.

the ed

BBC, 2014a

This coming Wednesday Sir Ken Robinson – programme blurb below:

‘A talk for the online lecture series TED in 2006 launched Sir Ken Robinson’s ideas to a global audience. He spoke about creativity in schools for 20 minutes, and the video has been watched more than any other TED Talk, with 27 million views so far.

In conversation with Sarah Montague, he argues that modern teaching is a product of industrialisation, putting children through a factory model that prepares them for working life. But if we truly value innovation and creativity, why isn’t it taught?

For the programme, Sir Ken returns to the former Margaret Beavan Special School in Liverpool, where he spent his primary school years in the 1950s, after contracting polio at four years old.

He’s since advised governments and businesses around the world on how to harness creativity, and believes if schools were radically different, giving creative subjects equal status, children would find their true talents.’ (BBC, 2014a, lines 1-11)

As always with academic discussion there are other views on this subject – one can be heard at 2 hours 20 minutes on the Today Programme, R4, 13th August, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04d4jvw – what are your thoughts?

In future programmes Sarah Montague will be talking with John Hattie, Tony Little and others to be announced. here is a link to the OU website that supports the series OU The Educators


BBC (2014a) The Educators – Sir Ken Robinson. [programme description] [online] Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04d4nvv [Accessed 10/08/14]

BBC (2014b) Sir Ken Robinson and Sarah Montague. [online] Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04d4nvv [Accessed: 10/08/14]

Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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