A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

Welcome to this blog!


Welcome to this blog for the FDLT students who began the course at MK, Oadby and UN in September 2012. We will be posting useful,  interesting and thought provoking new, ideas and resources on this blog.

Feel free to comment and join the discussion.


Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.


  1. Well I’m not going to lie! It’s hard work. However looking back over the last year the positives far outweigh the negatives. The friends you make during FDLT become the people who laugh with you, feel overwhelmed with you but not least support you and remind you that you do know your stuff. Getting started on assignments is the hardest, but if you do your reading and don’t leave it until the last minute then you have nothing to fear. You are not alone, make use of your colleagues at work and other professionals you work with. They have great sources that you can tap into and often give you a new pathway to follow with your research.
    My biggest wish if I was to start the FDLT again, would be that someone had told me that the nice big folder I proudly carried to my first session would never hold all the information and work that I would produce. My advice would be to get a folder for each module. It makes it much easier to find your notes when you are about to tackle the assignment.
    My first year has been an eventful year and I am very proud of all that I have achieved.
    Good Luck as you start your journey.

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