A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

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Minecraft – can it support learning?


Next Monday (30th March) there is a programme on Radio 4 called ‘Minecraft: more than a game’. Its on at 11am and than available on iplayer and on Box of Broadcasts if you a university student.

minecraftIn this programme the presenter, Jolyon Jenkins, explores the computer game Minecraft. Children have the opportunity to create and manipulate in the digital world. Recently a school here in Northampton tapped into the creative potential of Minecraft in a whole school project.

You can read more about this experience here at the Bridgecraft Blog

You can find more about the creative potential of Minecraft here.

Have you got any experience of Minecraft in school or at home?

What are your thoughts about the radio programme or about Minecraft generally?

Post your comments below.

Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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