A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

Dictating your text in Microsoft Word, Pages (Apple) and Google Docs.


You might wish to have the option of dictating your text when word processing. This can be useful when you are making notes, organising your thoughts or when you are tired of typing! It is available in Microsoft, Google and Apple word processing software. 

When you sign into your Microsoft Office package using your university account you can use the ‘dictate’ option in Word. For a demonstration watch this short video:

In Apple’s word processing software, Pages, you can do the same on an iPad or Mac.

iPad: how to

Mac: how to

In Google Docs the same is possible – read more about it here.

Thanks to @mtholfsen and @bjgreen25 on Twitter for sharing and pointing out the Microsoft Word support video.


Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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