Prezi is a cloud based presentation software that opens up a...
The app allows you to create dice with different words on...
Subject: Computing Key Stage: KS2 Contributors: Scott Lagdon and Dimitra Nomikos...
This is some visual instructions for Scratch on how to program...
Subject: Computing Key Stage: KS1 App: A.L.E.X. Activities: We thought that...
Subject: E-safety Key Stage: Year 1/2 or above. Title: Internet Safety Idea: Create a...
Program: Clicker6 Age: Reception I looked at how Clicker could be...
Subject : KS1 computing; Music By Mark Fairley This week working...
During our second session of ICT we looked at computer programming...
We used iMovie to create a trailor for the biblical story...
Focus: For children to discuss and explore how using different materials...
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad Oliver...
plastic peg by mark fairley I decided to try the Book...
Hi Guys, just a quick Haiku Deck which I hope can...
We have created a quiz presentation aimed at early years Reception...
Subject: Animals Key stage – Early years foundation stage and Key...
By Katherine McMurdo, Sarah Badman and Daniella Endersby We created this video...
Focus: Key Stage 2 Computing: New National Curriculum: ...
This is a progression series as opposed to specific lesson plans....
Lost Craig (click this for the link) Puppet Pals Focus: Make...