A blog for students on the FDLT and BALT courses at the University of Northampton

at Leicester and UON

#PenATweet update


Thanks to all who took part in #PenATWeet last week.

a small selection of the handwritten tweets on #PenATweet day

a small selection of the handwritten tweets on #PenATweet day

You can see a few in this photo collage and you can see most, of not all, of the tweets in this storify:

#PenATweet storify

From early in the morning until after midnight many, many people tweeted in handwriting – teachers, their pupils, writers, artists, poets. It was interesting to see how handwriting overlapped with drawing and doodling and also how people chose their paper and their pens carefully.

We also had a tweet in Braille typing and some in languages other than English. We had notes, questions, lines of poetry, ideas, stories, personal experiences of handwriting, hopes for the future, views about education and jokes.



One story of handwriting by P Ottley O’Connor contributed by was especially moving and reminded us all of the emotional effect of handwriting on the child writer, parents, teachers both when written and when looking back from adulthood.

Ross McGill Morrison (@TeacherToolkit) and I (@JeanEd70) would like to thank everyone who joined in, including the National Handwriting Society (@NHA_news).

On Thursday July 10th handwriting will be the subject of the #ukedchat from 8pm – we encourage to join in this discussion of handwriting in handwritten tweets:

ukechatPlease join us for more discussion of this interesting aspect of learning.



Author: Jean

Senior Lecturer, Education at the University of Northampton. Admissions Tutor for the Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching.

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