BYOD4L Creating

Bring Your Own Devices 4 Learning #BYOD4L

This week I’m taking part in this online course. Here are some useful links:
byod4l wordpress
Google+ community BYOD4L Learning COmmunity

Friday Creating

Task 1 Reflecting I’ve shared a ThingLink that I made in early Septeber to help the students who were starting on the FDLT course. You can see it here – Welcome

The purpose was to be able to share some key links to resources using just one link in a visually attractive form.

Task 2 Poster The teacher scenario – I feel the same about getting to know students as they arrive. We are sent a photos of each student in class groups which is helpful but the idea of it being a video or annotated image is even better. I wonder if we could build that into induction in the future. This September I set up a Padlet for each new group and asked students to introduce themselves. Here’s one to look at: Introductions Padlet

As I think about this now I realise that we could make more of this so that it could be a reflective experience for students and an informative one for tutors. It would be important not to take away from the spontaneity and willingness to have a go that happened in this example. It allowed students to make contact before they began the session they independently set up a Facebook group before they met at the first session.

I’ve made a poster for task 3 by accident!

Task 3 Making

byod4lThe beginning of a poster created using the Phoster app (right).

Below is another beginning using this large letter C in the app Moldiv (collage part of the app).

I was thinking about either adding links to one of these in ThingLink or annotating it in the app Skitch.

Processed with MOLDIV

Processed with MOLDIV




I came across the post that asked to represent the entire experience and that led me to making this:

BYOD4l 2016





During the #BYOD4Lchat I made this using Sketches:


BYOD4L Collaborating

Bring Your Own Devices 4 Learning #BYOD4L

This week I’m taking part in this online course. Here are some useful links:
byod4l wordpress
Google+ community BYOD4L Learning COmmunity

Thursday – Collaborating

mystery skypeTeacher scenario – the question posed in this scenario is of great interest to me. I am in the early stages of supporting some colleague to plan a session with an international focus. I too have been thinking about strategies to make this happen and I’ve come across something shared with me by a student (@TheTechyTA) called Mystery Skype. You can read about his experience of it here – Mystery Skype in school.

And more about having a go here Mystery Skype

I’ve been wondering if I can use this with the students. If anyone has any contacts abroad who work in education at school level, especially as teaching assistants I’d love to hear about them.

Task 1 reflecting As part of a work project (Teaching with Tablets MOOC) my colleagues and I are using Slack as we work on designing each week of the online course. We can access this from phones, Ipads and computers so it is very accessible for the whole group. Its the first time I’ve used it so its early days in terms of evaluating it. I know Slack has come up in the #BYOD4Lchats as well but I haven’t found my way to it yet!

Task 2 making – I’ve tweeted to see if anyone has any contacts with teaching assistants in international schools in relation to the session I’m seeking to organise with my colleagues (see above). I’ve included a colleague in the tweet to enlist her support in looking for people as she is one of the tutors who will be leading this session.

BYOD collab

Task 3 development
I realise the possibility of doing this online experience alongside other colleagues in the same university as this task in particular would be so helpful and productive. I hope next time BYOD4L runs to enlist a group of colleagues to take part, maybe from within the division that I work in as I think it could be a powerful way of developing our use of devices, something that will be essential in the next few years as the nature of out university and our jobs change.

BYOD4L Curating

Bring Your Own Devices 4 Learning #BYOD4L

This week I’m taking part in this online course. Here are some useful links:
byod4l wordpress
Google+ community BYOD4L Learning COmmunity

Wednesday – Curating

As an artist as well as an academic I am very interested in this theme of curating. In working on these activities I’ve realised how important it is to support students in being able to manage all the available resources they can now encounter.

Task 1 Reflection – This theme has made me consider and evaluate the way I try to collect and arrange all sorts of material and this partly related to where I found it and partly to what it is about.

Where I found it: some tools have an inbuilt way of collecting so on Twitter I will often like or retweet something so that it appears in my timeline and can be found again. I do the same with Facebook – by likening or sharing an item it is them in my feed. I’ve recently learned that ‘likes’ can be found in a list in the ‘activity log’ which is very useful. If I’ve found a useful link on Twitter or Facebook I will often save that to Pocket. For visual images I pin these on Pinterest boards.

What it is about: I’d like to be able to collect links and resources into themes (art (printmaking, teaching, sketchbooks), education (English, digital technology, teaching assistants, assessment)). I used to do this using as I could save links and then group them into bundles. Having invested quite some time in setting this up the bundles function was discontinued and since this I have been hesitant to start again with another tool. I have just begun to add tags to my links in Pocket as an alternative.

Task 2 Making – Teacher scenario

The challenge is to share resources with students in such a way that they will access them. Having collected a range of interesting and enriching resources I agree that if students then do not use them it is disappointing and frustrating. I wonder if involving students in curating this collection of resources so they are actively involved in compiling it might help. As I have considered this scenario I have begun to wonder if this could be an interesting task to build into teaching.

In the context of the course I work on students could be asked to add a link to and brief evaluation of their favourite teaching resource website for a particular subject or aspect of learning to a Padlet. They could then be asked to follow up another student’s link to comment upon it. We have been building activities in where we ask students to collect and curate reading in relation to assignments and this perhaps addresses that challenge mentioned in the teacher scenario about whether students do follow up the shared information. Perhaps the key is that the students can see a clear benefit to their learning at university or their professional role in school.

I have recently begun making this Padlet to share resources about an area we are investigating in the spring and summer terms – learning beyond the classroom. You can see it here. Since beginning to think about curating this week I might approach it differently, making it more a product of shared recommendations from students.

Padlet loc

Task 3 Development In an annual project based on enriching the curriculum through practical activities I seek to record what the stduents have made. In 2014 I did this by adding images of all their matchbox sculptures to a Pinterest board. You can see it here – 2014 project. In 2015 I changed the way I curated the images to use Explain Everything and make a sequence of slides accompanied by music. You can see this here – 2015project. I haven’t decide what to do in 2016 yet – does anyone have any ideas. I’d like to involve the students in curating the images of the project this time. I’ve been thinking about a virtual pop up museum or gallery maybe…

BYOD4L Communicating

Bring Your Own Devices 4 Learning #BYOD4L

This week I’m taking part in this online course. Here are some useful links:
byod4l wordpress
Google+ community BYOD4L Learning COmmunity

Tuesday – Communicating

In the student scenario the student talked about joining a degree course as a mature student and seeking to manage the demands of university study, a job and family life and considered the challenge of how to use technology to stay in touch with his course and fellow students. This is exactly the situation the students I teach are in. They are Teaching Assistants (TAs) in schools, coming to university for one day a week so its vital for them to be able to stay in touch with us and each other when they are not at university.

For us as lecturers we have a several channels of communication:

Blackboard NILE – announcements, which we often choose to have sent as emails to students. We hope we can guarantee that everyone gest this information.

Course Blog – to share interesting items and resources that is additional to core content. Students are encouraged to subscribe to this so that they will get an email alert when a new post appears. A link to this is also tweeted.

Email – to individuals, usually responsive to student questions and concerns.

NILE discussion boards – Sometimes we create a NILE discussion board for students to use to ask questions and share ideas, especially about assignments. This allows tutor answers to be shared by all students and might mean that we don’t have to answer the same question via email to many individuals.

Task 1 Visualising – A representation of myself as a communicator: I created this ThingLink introducing My Digital Self in the summer.

Task 2 Making – I’ve represented a summary of my formal channels of communication as lecturer with students using Penultimate:


Task 3 Reflection – We allow students to decide and manage communication within groups for themselves and this often evolves. Perhaps it is dependent on someone in the group deciding to take the initiative using a channel they favour. One group has a Facebook group and another use Whats app. As tutors we do not get involved with this but are aware of some of answers to questions, for example, being shared in this way. My only concern is that the chosen channel does not exclude some students in the group eg if a group used Facebook but one or two members are adamantly against Facebook and so are exclude from the conversation and support.

My reflection  on future actions – I wonder if we need to be more proactive about this during Induction into year 1 so that students choose one from several channels after discussion of their features and the students’ own devices, skills and attitudes to them. I think I will contact each existing group and ask what they use and their evaluation of it to see if we can learn something from this ready for the students who join us in September 2016.

BYOD4L Connecting

Bring Your Own Devices 4 Learning #BYOD4L

This week I’m taking part in this online course. Here are some useful links:
byod4l wordpress
Google+ community BYOD4L Learning COmmunity

Monday – Connecting
In the student scenario the student wanted to use social media to search for up to date material in her area of interest – well being. This is an interesting question – the wide range of a connections that can be made on Twitter can be useful here. It’s possible to find people who are working in your field, or interesting in it and learning about it. Ideas and links to resources, activities and publications are often shared. You can take part in organised chats or unexpected exchanges with people you might never be able to meet and work with face to face.
There are associated challenges – how do we track of all the links and ideas we come across? How do we help students learn to evaluate what they come across online in social media so they can use of in an academic context and understand its reliability and validity?
Keeping track – in the past I have used, now I’m using Pocket to save links and resources that I coma across. I also use Twitter itself by ‘liking’ interesting things so I can come back to them later. I sometimes post links to a relevant Google community eg our Mobile Learning community at work.
Evaluation – I’ve seen Padlet used as a way of sharing useful academic resources with students and teaching them to evaluate sources.

Task 1 – who is who? completed on Google+ (using my digital self ThingLink) and In the Twitter chat
Task 2 – making – I used ThingLink to collect all the various spaces where BYOD4L is happening and collect them together on one image. You can see it here: ThingLink BYOD4L2016
Task 3 – reflection – in the Twitter chat we talked about using Twitter or another channel communication with students. Getting everyone to use the same channel is a challenge as we all have our personal preferences. Suggesting about showing how useful a channels is made me think I could try again maybe by having a Twitter recommendation or tweeter of the week on our course blog.


Post it Plus

pipI came across the app ‘Post it Plus’ by accident. I often use post its as a teaching tool with groups of students, asking them to write ideas on post its and then move them around into themes or rank order. Since I had my ipad I have sometimes photographed these – but the Post It Plus app is a more flexible and versatile way of doing this.

When you open the app it allows you to take a photograph of a group of post its. To do this you hold down  the capture icon. Green lines appear around the post its that have been captured and if there are any that do not have a green line, you can touch these and the green line will appear around them so that all the post its are present. You then touch ‘create board’ and the image is saved. I usually take groups of post its and end up with maybe four or five boards to record an activity.


After this you can move the boards on top of each other to make them all into one, you can name each group and the bigger group, add additional post its and write onto them and the board.

You can also share and export the boards in a number of ways eg by email as a PDF, as a photo, via social media etc. I was able to send the PDF record of our discussions to a group of students after the session so that they could use the discussion ideas after the session. I could have annotated questions and  comments onto it to challenge them further – maybe next time! I’ve added one to see what it looks like, above)

You can read more about the app here.



cost – free

2014-05-26 16.55.35Moldiv is an app that allows you to:

1. present photos in different groupings ‘collage’ 

2. cut bits from images and put them onto other images ‘stitch’


To group and show photos in various formats and layouts browse through to see which layout you want – there are eighty free frames to choose from.

2014-05-26 17.04.14Touch the one you want to use. It will open larger and allow you to tap to choose photos from your gallery or take photos. The box where your photo will go is indicated by an orange fill. This might be important if your photos or images need to be a specific position or order.

When all your boxes are filled touch the tick on the right.




This allows you to see your photos and use:

2014-05-26 17.14.261. frame adjust – this allows you to adjust the size and part of the photos and move the frame lines around, as well as adjust the width of the frame lines and borders and round the corners.

2014-05-26 17.14.082. background – this allows you adjust the colour of the frame using block colours, patterns and grid paper.

In addition to this the T allows you to add text, the star allows you to add stamps and the scissors take you to the ‘stitch’ part of the app – more about this later.

Collage is useful for teachers and TAs when grouping together linked photos such as the record of a visit, event or outcomes of a lesson in one block. It can also be used to show the development of one learner’s work in one image or the outcomes of many students’ work in one image.

Learners can choose and group their own photos or images they have collected to represent a word, a feeling, an experience or some learning.


2014-05-26 17.32.04To use the ‘stitch’ part of the app touch ‘stitch’ on the opening screen. This allows you to choose a photo from your camera roll by touching it – this will be your background,  you can cut from other photos and place them onto it.

2014-05-26 17.33.18Touch the tick on the right to begin to stitch. Touch the star to open and then touch the scissors – this will open your camera roll again so you can choose a photos from which to cut. Precut shapes can be chosen and resized.



2014-05-26 17.33.59Touch the tick to cut and then move and resize what you have cut on your background image. Alternatively touch the scissors to cut a shape of your own. Touch the plus button to copy another of the highlighted cut out.

This part of the app can be useful for constructing collections of images for learners to use. It can also be used for making collage art on the screen and choosing and cutting parts from an image and enlarging them to work on further.  It can be useful to think about the background and the elements that you will want to place onto it before beginning.Once saved any images can be further manipulated by using in other apps, such as by opening in Brushes and drawing onto or opening in distressedfx or SnapSeed to add effects.

At any point the photo frame can be downloaded to the camera roll, opened in other apps, shared through Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Flickr.