Light Trails

Light Trails Camera Pro

Cost – free

Preview – If you have the preview screen showing you can see the light trials build up. If you are writing or trying to capture something planned this is essential. Tap the word ‘preview’ to get it or remove it.

2014-03-25 08.29.512014-03-25 08.29.21








Camera settings (icon on left)

2014-03-25 08.39.03Capture mode – set to light trails

Shutter speed – the larger the number the longer the shutter stays open (eg 15 seconds). If the shutter speed is set to B the shutter is controlled manually so you can decide when it shuts. This useful if you are photographing a preplanned light trail (eg writing your name).




Camera settings (icon on right)

2014-03-25 08.42.06

Self timer – 0 (unless you want to use this – if trying this out alone it can be useful)

Screen shutter – button to left

Auto save – on or off





Other useful tips:

The record button is the circle in the centre and it goes red when photographing.

When the photograph has been taken if you touch the arrow to the right you are given the option of saving the photo to camera roll.

Freeze – half way between off and on.

Contrast – button half way along.




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