The COGS Toolkit

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning

Constructing Outcomes for Graduate Success (COGS) Toolkit for Writing Learning Outcomes

The COGS Toolkit V3.0 is utilised to support in developing learning outcomes. It is a developmental tool that is also used in the CAIeRO process with Learning Designers.

The COGS Toolkit can be accessed from this page and is available in an accessible format, covering Levels 4 to 7.

The Toolkit contains:

  • an overview of COGS.
  • links to the QAA and AdvanceHE Education for Sustainable Development competencies (separate MS Excel download, via the link in COGS)
  • identified concerns about the toolkit with appropriate mitigation / explanation.
  • information about the consequent need to update our quality processes to accommodate these changes and details of some of the mechanisms of achieving this.
  • the Toolkit itself!
  • guidance on how to use the toolkit, including an explanation of the different colours.

When should you use the toolkit?

In order to offer a meaningful entitlement to all our students to engage with and develop their employability skills and social impact through their on-programme experience. The toolkit is utilised during the CAIeRO process with Learning Designers and programme teams are encouraged to use COGS to support them in writing assessable learning outcomes that support student progression at each academic level, when appropriate.