Reach Your Full Potential

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning

Record and edit video using tools available to you

A variety of professional development workshops and sessions are offered to staff as part of the Academic and Professional Practice Scheme. You can find out when workshops and sessions are running through LibCal, the portal for all professional development activity.

Title of session:

Record and edit video using tools available to you.


Held monthly across the year (autumn, winter, spring, summer).


All staff teaching or supporting learning.
Relevant to Descriptor 1 and Descriptor 2 of the PSF 2023.


Anne Misselbrook.

Make a booking:


This session will enable participants to:

  • create a short video from initial idea to completed film using software and tools available to them, including their laptop Camera App, mobile phone and Video Editor App;
  • perform basic video and editing skills, and use the tools and techniques learnt to produce a video with relevant content to provide an educator-led tutorial video, for example.

Alignment to PSF 2023:

Professional Values:


Core Knowledge:


Areas of Activity:

A1, A5.