Reach Your Full Potential

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning

Learning Development

Within Learning Development we have a team of tutors who can help you develop and enhance your academic and mathematical skills. Our Learning Development Tutors are available to support you throughout your studies at the University, offering both bookable tutorials and drop-in sessions. They are situated on the second floor of the Learning Hub, within Library and Learning Services.

Learning Development is also able to support you online with study guides, videos and infographics through the University’s Skill Hub site.

...available to support you throughout your studies...

Contact Learning Development:

Meet the Learning Development Team

The Learning Development team is made up of our LD Tutors and assisting them are our LD Mentors.

Unsure who to book with?

Book with a Learning Development Tutor?

Why choose an LD Tutor?
Learning Development Tutors are professional service staff with a high level of expertise, knowledge and years of teaching experience.

The tutorial provision cultivates an inclusive and encouraging environment, modelling skills for effective practice. Tutors are experienced in developing skills around the conventions of academic writing, critical thinking, numerical and statistical skills required for higher education. The focus of the tutorial will be on applying the skills required to meet assignment brief expectations, rather than specific subject content or submissions.

What we will do:

  • Work in partnership with students to work towards their full potential.
  • Offer an inclusive environment to ensure all students feel welcome and adapt support to meet individual needs.
  • Listen to students and offer different perspectives to create a nurturing and motivating environment.
  • Discuss your assessment and offer strategies to support the development of your skills. However, we will only look at the same piece of work twice or if it is large assessment (thesis/dissertation) offer guidance per chapter.
  • Signpost students to further resources and/or connect students to other University services to assist in their learning journey as appropriate.
  • Be respectful and courteous in communications to our users.

What we would like you to do:
Before the appointment:

  • Book your appointment at the right point for you to get the most out of the appointment, giving you enough time to reflect on the items discussed.

During the appointment:

  • Attend your appointment on time and bring items you want to discuss (feedback, assessment brief, work, plan, list of questions) in an accessible form or send these ahead of time if possible or if not have them open and be ready to share.
  • Share with us why you have booked the appointment and take ownership for your learning journey.
  • Be open when you don’t understand concepts and ask for clarification or more information when required.
  • Be realistic on what can be achieved in the time constraints of the appointment.
  • Actively participate in discussions and act on any advice or guidance offered.
  • Be respectful and courteous in your communications to the team.

Book with a Learning Development Mentor?

Why choose an LD Mentor?
Learning Development Mentors are students at UON who can offer peer support through discussion, offering a student perspective and lived experience.

Learning Development Mentors work with students through dialogue to guide students through their learning journey. Learning Development Mentors can offer assistance from a student perspective on: notetaking, assessment structure, time management, referencing, presentations and exam techniques. The Learning Development Mentors cannot look at your written work as this compromises their position as a student.

What we will do:

  • Work in partnership with students to ensure all students feel welcome.
  • Listen to students and offer a peer perspective by offering personal strategies.
  • Signpost students to further resources and/or connect students to other University services.
  • Be respectful and courteous in communications to our users.

What we would like you to do:
Before the appointment:

  • Book your appointment at the right point for you to get the most out of the appointment, giving you enough time to reflect on the items discussed.

During the appointment:

  • Attend your appointment on time.
  • Be realistic on what can be achieved in the time constraints of the appointment.
  • Actively participate in discussions and act on any advice or guidance offered.
  • Be respectful and courteous in your communications to the team.


Academic Skills Drop-ins – (no need to book)

The Academic Skills Drop-ins are available both online and on Campus (Mon- Fri). To attend our Online Drop-in, please use our Drop-in Collaborate Room. Please note Collaborate works best using Chrome or Firefox. To attend a Drop-in on Campus, please come along to the Drop-in Area on the second floor of the Learning Hub, at Waterside Campus. Please see the Drop-in times below:

w/c 30.09.2024 Waterside Online
Monday 12pm – 1pm 12pm -1pm
Tuesday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Wednesday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Thursday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Friday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
w/c 07.10.2024 Waterside Online
Monday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Tuesday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Wednesday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Thursday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm
Friday 12pm – 1pm 12pm – 1pm

Maths and Statistics Drop-ins – (no need to book)

We have Maths and Stats Drop-ins available online and on Campus. To attend our Online Drop-in, please use our Drop-in Collaborate Room. Please note Collaborate works best using Chrome or Firefox. To attend a Drop-in on Campus, please come along to the Drop-in Area on the second floor of the Learning Hub, at Waterside Campus. Please see the Drop-in times below:

w/c 30.09.2024 Waterside Online
Tuesday 12pm – 1pm
Thursday 12pm – 1pm
w/c  07.10.2024 Waterside Online
Tuesday 12pm – 1pm
Thursday 12pm – 1pm


Tutorials are bookable appointments whereby you can spend time with a tutor on more in-depth queries. For example, you may want some more guidance regarding the structure of your dissertation or would like to understand feedback from an assignment. Tutorials can be undertaken in person or online. Academic skills tutorials are 30 minutes and maths and statistics are an hour. You are permitted to book one appointment a week to enable others to use the service. Appointments are open two weeks in advance of each appointment time.

If there are no suitable appointment slots available, you can email Learning Development and suggest a time and date that would suit your studies and be offered an online tutorial. Alternatively if you have a quick query you can attend our drop-in service.

Academic Skills

Learning Development can support you with Academic Writing Skills including:

  • Critical thinking
  • Reflective writing
  • Assignment structure
  • Time Management
  • Presentation skills
  • Exam and revision advice
  • Dissertation advice
  • Report writing
  • Referencing

Maths, Stats and SPSS

Our Maths and Stats Tutors can support you with:

  • Numeracy
  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • SPSS
  • Data Analysis