Reach Your Full Potential

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning

Peer Observation of Learning and Teaching

Peer observation of learning and teaching at Northampton is a peer-to-peer process, known as collaborative observation, and reflects the University’s commitment to assuring and enhancing the quality of the student learning experience and to provide developmental opportunities for teaching enhancement.
The process is ‘a peer based, collaborative, non-judgmental scheme designed to provide opportunities for participants to enhance the learning experience of their students and to reflect on and develop aspects of their own professional practice.’
(UON Code of Practice – Peer and Collaborative Observation for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, p. 2).

The underpinning principle is that both the person observing (the observer) and the person being observed (the observee) can benefit from the process and the aim is to provide opportunities for staff to collaborate in reflection, discussion and further development of their professional practice.

Peer observation of learning and teaching is relevant to the UON’s Academic and Professional Practice Scheme for staff involved in teaching and supporting learning. Through this Scheme, staff applying for Associate Fellow or Fellow in particular need to include evidence in their claim that relates to their engagement in peer observation of learning and teaching.

How does the peer observation process work?

The approach at UON has been described as offering flexibility of focus, but does assume the formality of a three-step process, recognising that to meet the enhancement objectives, formal discussion of observation goals, context, teaching aims, teaching methods, and observer objectivity is required, both before and after the observation.

There are forms to support this process and you should expect to follow these steps:
Step 1 – Preparation for observation

  • Consider what you would like to learn and explore through observation.
  • Decide who to work with and whether you will be observed or be the observer.
  • Hold a pre-observation meeting to discuss the learning goals of observer and observee (i.e. the agenda, exchange information about the observation context and arrange the observation itself).

Step 2 – Observation

  • The Observation takes place – the observer focuses on the agreed agenda and takes notes.

Step 3 – Discussion and action planning

  • Hold a post-observation meeting to discuss what was observed in relation to the learning goals or agenda, agreed at the start. You will also probably discuss related aspects of learning and teaching.
  • Decide what actions you will each take as a result of the learning from the observation. This may include things you will ‘start’, ‘stop’ and ‘continue’ doing.

What aspects of my practice can be observed?

The peer observation of learning and teaching process is not limited to teaching in face-to-face sessions, such as workshops, as the process can also involve online activities, supervision, field work and tutorial groups, for example.

Who should observe me?

You can choose! The process usually involves two members of staff working together, either within or beyond departmental and disciplinary boundaries. You are responsible for identifying who you will work with. It is recommended that you should engage with different people in consecutive years, in order to maximise the scope for enhancement through a breadth of the shared experience.

How often do I need to take part?

The Code of Practice says that all staff whose annual teaching or supporting learning ‘load’ exceeds 20 contact hours per year are expected to participate in peer observation. This can be development towards recognition or maintenance of good standing as a Fellow of the HEA, and learning gained from participation can inform part of the annual PDR process.

The expectations are that:

  • each full-time member of staff will participate in peer observation, as observer or observee, a minimum of once in each academic year.
  • each part-time member of staff will participate in peer observation in accordance with a schedule agreed with their head of department or line manager and which reflects the extent of their teaching commitment.
  • all staff have their practice observed no less than once in every two years.

Do I need to tell students or participants about the observation?

Ethical practice requires that the rights of both staff and students (or participants in a session) are respected in any observation activity. Observer and observee should therefore negotiate the context of observation as part of the preparatory discussion, and students or participants should be informed when observation is taking place. With respect to one-to-one teaching (e.g. tutorials), consent of students must be sought in advance.

Further guidance

Code of Practice – PDF – Peer and Collaborative Observation for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching.