Reach Your Full Potential

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning

Exploring feedback

A variety of professional development workshops and sessions are offered to staff as part of the Academic and Professional Practice Scheme. You can find out when workshops and sessions are running through LibCal, the portal for all professional development activity.

Title of session:

Exploring feedback.


Held twice a year.


All staff teaching or supporting learning, including those new to UON.
Relevant to Descriptor 1 and Descriptor 2 of the PSF 2023.


Dominic Murphy.

Make a booking:


This session will enable participants to:

  • explore the process and principles of effective feedback, using findings from educational research, as well as their own experience;
  • review examples from their own practice to identify these principles in practice, and any next steps they can take to add impact to their feedback;
  • explore different techniques for providing feedback and ensuring that this works for feedforward.

Alignment to PSF 2023:

Professional Values:

V1, V2.

Core Knowledge:

K1, K3.

Areas of Activity:

A3, A5.