Reach Your Full Potential

Quality Teaching | Meaningful Learning


Through the Academic and Professional Practice Scheme, members of staff can choose one of two assessments in applying for Fellowship: a written or oral assessment.

Descriptor 2 (D2)

Descriptor 2 (D2) of the PSF 2023 aligns to Fellow. Applicants for Fellow should focus on current or recent practice, which should be within the last three years. Please access the specific guidance documents and application forms for Fellow.

Descriptor 2 is suitable for individuals whose practice with learners has breadth and depth, enabling them to evidence all Dimensions. Effectiveness of practice in teaching and/or support of high quality learning is demonstrated through evidence of:
D2.1 use of all five Professional Values
D2.2 application of all five forms of Core Knowledge
D2.3 effective and inclusive practice in all five Areas of Activity