The Study Smart Series: workshops promoting AI literacy

  1. Learning and Teaching: to contribute to the University strategy
  2. Assessment and feedback: to ensure assessments are valid, reliable and inclusive
  3. Creativity and employability: to identify AI tools that facilitate creativity in a range of media
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: to create accessible, personalised learning through AI
  5. Research and Ethics: to address concerns related to intellectual property and academic integrity

Staff need(s) the workshop will address

Overall aim:
To foster AI literacy among staff and students, bridging knowledge gaps relating to AI tools and pedagogic strategies so that AI can be embedded to positively impact outcomes, whilst maintaining high ethical standards.


This will be achieved through:

    1. Learning and Teaching: to contribute to the University strategy
    2. Assessment and feedback: to ensure assessments are valid, reliable and inclusive
    3. Creativity and employability: to identify AI tools that facilitate creativity in a range of media
    4. Diversity and Inclusion: to create accessible, personalised learning through AI 
    5. Research and Ethics: to address concerns related to intellectual property and academic integrity


These workshops are suitable for teaching and professional services staff across faculties. They are suitable for anyone with an interest in the use of AI at UON.


Length of Session: 2hrs

To sign up to a workshop, please book through LibCal here.

How the Workshop will contribute to Learning Practice

Participants will:
– develop an understanding of AI concepts, terminology, and applications in the context of teaching and learning.

– gain hands-on experience with AI tools that generate text and images in response to prompts.

– develop strategies for designing assessments that effectively incorporate AI while maintaining academic integrity.

– develop strategies to educate students on ethical AI use and responsible AI prompt development.

– connect and collaborate with peers interested in integrating AI into their teaching practices and gain the opportunity to collaborate beyond the workshop through the CADE AI SIG.

How the Workshop will develop specific skills aligned with UKPSF

Specific skills

Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes
Teach and/or support learning through appropriate approaches and environments
Assess and give feedback for learning
Enhance practice through own continuing professional development

Core Knowledge
Approaches to teaching and/or supporting learning, appropriate for subjects and level of study

Critical evaluation as a basis for effective practice

Appropriate use of digital and/or other technologies, and resources for learning

Professional Values
Respect individual learners and diverse groups of learners

Promote engagement in learning and equity of opportunity for all to reach their potential

Respond to the wider context in which higher education operates, recognising implications for practice

How the Workshop supports Fellowship D1, D2 & D3

D1 – Associate Fellow of the HEA
Staff with at least 1 year teaching/support experience. Typically these are staff who do some teaching/student support but not as the main element of their role, such as:

  • Career researchers with some teaching responsibilities
  • Learning support, demonstrators or technicians with some teaching responsibilities
  • Staff experienced in professional areas but with a limited teaching role

D2 – Fellow of the HEA
Staff for whom teaching or learning support is a significant element of their role such as staff with experience as

  • Academic or Support staff holding substantive teaching & learning responsibilities.
  • Experienced professionals with substantive teaching & learning responsibilities including for example within workplace settings.

D3 – Senior Fellow of the HEA
Experienced HE teaching staff able to demonstrate sustained impact & influence on the L&T practice of others over a number of years, through

  • Leading, managing, organising programmes
  • Mentoring other staff
  • Departmental, School or other University responsibilities