Working with partners is a challenging role, which can involve wider issues and challenges than can be addressed solely by reading about policies and procedures.

Staff need(s) the workshop will address

I have taken on the role of department contact for a partner programme and want to make a success in the role.

Our partners seem to have so many questions, that I am finding it hard to cope! What AM I responsible for in this role? And who can help and advise me in the role?

Despite experience working with partners I’d like support with new challenges we face.

Who would benefit from this workshop:

Staff whose role involves working with staff in partnerships.

Academic Staff
Length of Session: 2hrs

To sign up to a workshop, please book through LibCal here.

How the Workshop will contribute to Learning Practice

Through this workshop you will:

Be provided with an overview of the types of partnership arrangements that UON offers, and the partnership approval process from consultation to validation and operation and exit. A particular focus will be on the academic responsibilities for module and programme leaders and link tutors, who the key services and stakeholders are who can support you, and their areas of responsibility. Key workshop activities will involve collaborative exploration of common issues faced in working with partners including grade disagreement and plagiarism as starting points. There will be the opportunity to discuss the challenges you face and devise practical strategies you can adopt within your role.

How the Workshop will develop specific skills aligned with UKPSF

Specific skills
This workshop is designed to help you in your support for colleagues within partners to ensure an effective learning environment for the students within UON partners, and to promote a quality student learning experience.

Core Knowledge
The particular issues addressed within the workshop will reflect the particular needs and interests highlighted by participants. Inevitably these will include an exploration of issues related to the implementation of UON Quality Assurance and/or Quality Enhancement processes.

Professional Values
This role involves understanding of the needs and ways of working within learning communities which differ from our own.

This workshop aims to help UON teaching and learning support staff to promote effective learning and teaching beyond the immediate context of UON, by working effectively with staff in their partners.

How the Workshop supports Fellowship D1, D2 & D3

D2 – Fellow of the HEA
Staff for whom teaching or learning support is a significant element of their role such as staff with experience as

  • Academic or Support staff holding substantive teaching & learning responsibilities.
  • Experienced professionals with substantive teaching & learning responsibilities including for example within workplace settings.

D3 – Senior Fellow of the HEA
Experienced HE teaching staff able to demonstrate sustained impact & influence on the L&T practice of others over a number of years, through

  • Leading, managing, organising programmes
  • Mentoring other staff
  • Departmental, School or other University responsibilities