Staff need(s) the workshop will address

How can I recognise academic misconduct within my students’ work?

How do I evaluate signs of possible academic misconduct within student assessments?

If I suspect a case of academic misconduct, how do I gather the right evidence?

How do I present the evidence and go about writing the referral?

Who would benefit from this workshop:

Academics involved in assessment and meaningful Academic Misconduct referral.

How the Workshop will contribute to Learning Practice

Through this you will:

Explore key principles and signs of academic misconduct.

Examine actual examples of real academic misconduct. Learn to identify how you can gather and present meaningful evidence to ensure that you make a quality referral that an AIO can draw on in determining an outcome.

Have the opportunity to ask questions concerning challenges you have faced in the past and discuss appropriate responses for the future.

How the Workshop will develop specific skills aligned with UKPSF

Specific skills
Relates to a key element of the Assessment process, developing your understanding and skills to make more meaningful academic misconduct referrals.

Core Knowledge
Academic misconduct is an important element of the university quality assurance processes. This workshop will develop your skills and understanding for handling issues in your students’ work.

Professional Values
Evaluating examples from student work to take an evidence-based approach to identifying which instances require academic referral and which are simply instances of poor academic practice.

How the Workshop supports Fellowship D1, D2 & D3

D1 – Associate Fellow of the HEA
Staff with at least 1 year teaching/support experience. Typically these are staff who do some teaching/student support but not as the main element of their role, such as:

  • Career researchers with some teaching responsibilities
  • Learning support, demonstrators or technicians with some teaching responsibilities
  • Staff experienced in professional areas but with a limited teaching role

D2 – Fellow of the HEA
Staff for whom teaching or learning support is a significant element of their role such as staff with experience as

  • Academic or Support staff holding substantive teaching & learning responsibilities.
  • Experienced professionals with substantive teaching & learning responsibilities including for example within workplace settings.

D3 – Senior Fellow of the HEA
Experienced HE teaching staff able to demonstrate sustained impact & influence on the L&T practice of others over a number of years, through

  • Leading, managing, organising programmes
  • Mentoring other staff
  • Departmental, School or other University responsibilities