Staff need(s) the workshop will address
I know that ‘Marking to Learning Outcomes’ is the UoN approach, but what does that mean for how I should approach allocating marks and giving feedback on student work?
It’s clear which is the strongest work done for this assignment, and which is the weakest, but I don’t find it easy to assign a particular grade, especially for the work ‘in the middle ground’.
Who would benefit from this workshop:
To sign up to a workshop, please book through LibCal here.
How the Workshop will contribute to Learning Practice
Exploration of what Marking to Learning Outcomes means in practice and the approaches available to you for your own grading of work.
Practical involvement in the marking of short examples of student work.
Engagement in processes of social moderation to discuss and agree the basis for marks awarded in grading student work.
Consideration of how standards of work differ across different academic levels.
How the Workshop will develop specific skills aligned with UKPSF
This workshop focuses on approaches to marking work adopted in UoN and develops your skills and understanding for allocating marks to different standards of student work.
Core Knowledge
This workshop makes links both with the national quality frameworks of academic level and with how this has been interpreted within institutional documentation and processes.
Professional Values
In assessment it is important that students can see why they have been awarded particular marks for their work and how they could improve. The workshop includes a focus on how to make it clear how the marks awarded for work relate to achievement in relation to module learning outcomes.
How the Workshop supports Fellowship D1, D2 & D3
Staff with at least 1 year teaching/support experience. Typically these are staff who do some teaching/student support but not as the main element of their role, such as:
- Career researchers with some teaching responsibilities
- Learning support, demonstrators or technicians with some teaching responsibilities
- Staff experienced in professional areas but with a limited teaching role
D2 – Fellow of the HEA
Staff for whom teaching or learning support is a significant element of their role such as staff with experience as
- Academic or Support staff holding substantive teaching & learning responsibilities.
- Experienced professionals with substantive teaching & learning responsibilities including for example within workplace settings.
D3 – Senior Fellow of the HEA
Experienced HE teaching staff able to demonstrate sustained impact & influence on the L&T practice of others over a number of years, through
- Leading, managing, organising programmes
- Mentoring other staff
- Departmental, School or other University responsibilities