eTwinning teacher training meeting in Brussels

imageWe joined the eTwinning meeting in Brussels last week to discuss how eTwinning is going to move to the next level past pilot projects.  We were able to discuss our successful project trainee teacher & classroom to trainee teacher & classroom, which hadn’t been done before. We showed and discussed in our groups the project that Louise, Kathrine and myself had developed, using Roahl Dahls ‘George’s  Marvellous Medicine’ as the focal point of our project.  By attending the meeting we were able to discuss the next steps to creating further projects together.  As well as meeting new contacts from the eTwinning community to forge new projects with them too.  We also shared the fact that by doing this eTwinning project aided me in securing my first teaching post for September 2016. Employability and eTwinning come together!


Our eTwinning partners

Students and Academic leaders from Iceland, Denmark and The University of Northampton


The students from Iceland, Denmark and The University of Northampton


Digital Art and Drawing using Rollworld and PicCollage


We Welcomed some international guests from Weingarten in Germany who are trainee teachers. We introduced them to Art and design using a Prezi and by using the Apps Roll world and Pic collage created some digital art.


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Icelandic students’ reflections

Students from Iceland have made a mindmap to reflect upon their use of technology.

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Videos from our Danish Partners

Here are some videos from our Danish partners, talking about a day in their life at University. Please give them some comments, either using the comment box at the end of this post or via the Twinspace.






Posts from our eTwinning partners in Iceland and Denmark

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Best Practice Across Europe eTwinning project

Here are some sample posts from the project Twinspace. Please provide some feedback or some observations of your own for these Icelandic students, either via the comments on this blog or on the Twinspace.


eTwinTTPilot14/15_Jóhann Eiriksson – 29.03.2016 14:03

I was in my practicum in Grundaskoli in Akranes. I worked with kids in 8th grade. The students worked a lot on ipads in diffrent subjects. Mostly I saw them work on, which is a new idea that collects students work in one place like a notebook. When students have to study from the notebook it will be through playing games. The games will use things from the notebook to let the students learn.

I made a treasure hunt game in a program called Turfhunt, because the ipads in the school does not have 3g network. I had to ask the students to use there smartphone. When I had organized the class in to groups and was about to start the game did not work. So I did the treasure hunt with text message and the game was inside and outdoors. The purpose of the game was to get the class closer together.


eTwinTTPilot15/16_Jóhanna Sigrún A – 26.03.2016 13:39

In my practicum I worked with kids in third grade. They are at the age of 7 to 8 years old. We did not use the technology outdoors. We worked with them on three protects related to technology. One was with iPads where we worked on integration on Icelandic, literacy and information Technology. The other two projects were worked in a computer room where the students was introduced to new ways of sharing knowledge.

The project that I found most fun was the one that gave the students free hands on express themselves creatively. I presented the program Comic life to theme where they were handed fun projects. If I only had longer time for this project I could have let the students go outdoors to take pictures with iPads. The pictures would then be used for the Comic.

The students were intended to generate a Comic story with beginning middle and an ending with at least 3 characters.

Jóhanna  Sigrún Andrésdóttir

Icelandic students using Flipgrid

Our eTwinning partners from Iceland have been using a tool called Flipgrid to make videos about their practice.

Flipgrid is an app and webtool that lets you create grids of questions or topics using text or video and then share your questions. Your audience can then respond with their own recorded videos.

Click on this link or on the image below to see the Icelandic students’ videos. You can see that there are three main questions and around 6 responses to each:

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Now we would like you to respond to their video postings. You can add yourself to the Flipgrid by clicking on the green + sign and recording your own response. Or you can make a comment either in this blogpost, at the end of this post or on the Twinspace.  Please give the Icelandic students some feedback.


eTwinning at Standens Barn

by Kathryn Hamilton

To introduce the whole class to a class of similar aged students in Denmark who have also been looking at George’s Marvellous Medicine. To show how pupils learn and what type of work they do in another country.

1 year 2 class – pupils aged between 6 and 7.
Whole class activity included singing a song to the Danish children.

What we did:
We introduced 5 pupils from our class – they stated their name, age, where they lived and which school they are attending. 1 pupil introduced himself and then spoke in Italian as this is his first language. This was to show the Danish children the diversity of languages within the classroom. The Danish class sang head, shoulders, knees and toes to us. We discussed with them how long it would take to fly there. What their capital city was called as we had looked this up beforehand. We spoke about the fact that Northampton is in the midlands in England. The session lasted about half an hour. The follow on plan is to video some work and pupils and send these to the Danish class, there they will try and match the pupil to the work.

All of this was tweeted @standensbarn

I then spoke to each of the 5 parents at home collection to explain what we had done today and to make them aware of their child’s involvement.

Impact on learners:
The children loved doing the session and sang brilliantly. They understood the enormity of what we had just done – chatted to children in Denmark via google hangout!

Sharing on Twitter:

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Visit from our Danish partner

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Helen Caldwell, Emma Whewell and Evelyn Hartley hosted a visit from Anna Bruun from Aalborg University on 29th -31st January. We are meeting Sólveig Jakobsdóttir from the University of Iceland 22nd -23rd February. Both visits involve connecting online with Carmen de las Cuevas from the University of the Basque Country via a webinar. 

The purpose of the meetings is to prepare an Erasmus+ bid: Digital Learning across Boundaries (DLaB). We are aiming develop a model for the innovative use of technology in an interdisciplinary and a transnational context by developing three themes over three years in partnership with universities in Spain, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Belgium. Our themes are Technology Outdoors, Stem to SteAm (integrating the arts into the STEM subjects) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). We will develop a strategic partnership consisting of teacher educators, teachers, trainee teachers, school pupils and representatives from cultural and creative industries to explore how teacher education can impact on learning by facilitating connectedness, harnessing innovative practices, and promoting digital learning across boundaries.


Video conference with Denmark, Iceland and Spain

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On 4th December our Digital Leaders held their first video conference with School of Education staff and students in Denmark, Iceland and Spain as part of our Best Practice Across Europe eTwinning project. We introduced ourselves and planned to keep in touch and share ideas using the Twinspace, Facebook and Google Hangouts.

We all shared ideas on the project theme of Technology Outdoors and described some of the webtools and apps we have been using recently. Students from Spain, England, Denmark and Iceland will share video diaries and undertake a Culture in a Box project in four international groups, which involves swapping information about their countries and producing presentations on their partner country’s cultural assets. They will go on to develop project ideas and lesson plans and test them out in schools, with an option of video conferencing with another classroom.

The project will give our students experience of how eTwinning can be used to create international learning experiences for pupils.

Digital Collages

Several of our Digital Leaders have contributed digital collages about themselves. We will use these to introduce ourselves to our European partners. Here is a selection:

An interactive Thinglink image created by Suzanne Turvey:

A photovisi montage created by Jessica Lambert:

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A digital collage by Katie Canham:

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An interactive Thinglink image from Gemma Wade:

eTwinning Project Space

We have established a project space on the eTwinning website. Digital leaders will be able to join this.

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eTwinning Project Aims

The students should attain knowledge of how eTwinning can be used to create international learning experiences for pupils.
The students should attain knowledge of how they can use technology outdoors to support the learning process of pupils in primary and lower secondary school.
The students should be able to collaborate with international partners to create lesson plans with a focus on using technology outdoors.
The students should be able to set up eTwinning projects with pupils in primary or lower secondary school.
The students should be able to present the project to a wider audience at their own universities.


Work process

The team members that are collaborating on this project have worked together on a previous project.
The students will be divided into four mixed nationality groups which will be led by a facilitator (lecturer).
In November they will make video diaries which will be uploaded to a Padlet in Twinspace.
On the 4th of December they will have an online video conference where they will discuss the video diaries and be informed about the project.
In December they will collaborate on “Culture in a box” and lesson planning.


Expected results

The students will make a final analysis and presentation of their project for a wider audience at their universities.