by Evie and Gemma
Before Christmas the art specialists went on an educational field trip to the Royal Academy where we had the pleasure of viewing the much anticipated Ai Wei Wei exhibition. In response to the trip we were asked to document our day in any media we choose and we decided to use iMovie to create a visual response to share on our group blog.
None of us were familiar with iMovie, in fact this was my first time using iMovie but,what a fantastic tool it is ! We were able to use footage taken on our mobile phones to make our movie and we played around with the various tools to edit our video and give it a ‘professional’ look. We used features such as adjusting the speed, adding music and sound effects and headings to enhance our movie, and we also used some of the photographs we had taken to focus on some of the pieces which appealed to us the most.
Of course our 3minute movie doesn’t give a detailed account of the trip but it serves as a n engaging visual overview of the day and features the work which impacted us most. We hope that those visiting our blog will Watch the video and perhaps be inspired to find out a little more about Ai Wei Wei and his fascinating work.
In addition to our iMovie we also produced a thinglink to document some of the ideas we had to engage children with one of the pieces in the exhibition which is below. We really like to use thinglink as it is interactive , easy to use and a great visual tool to document our ideas digitally.Evie to insert thinglink here.