eTwinning at Standens Barn

by Kathryn Hamilton

To introduce the whole class to a class of similar aged students in Denmark who have also been looking at George’s Marvellous Medicine. To show how pupils learn and what type of work they do in another country.

1 year 2 class – pupils aged between 6 and 7.
Whole class activity included singing a song to the Danish children.

What we did:
We introduced 5 pupils from our class – they stated their name, age, where they lived and which school they are attending. 1 pupil introduced himself and then spoke in Italian as this is his first language. This was to show the Danish children the diversity of languages within the classroom. The Danish class sang head, shoulders, knees and toes to us. We discussed with them how long it would take to fly there. What their capital city was called as we had looked this up beforehand. We spoke about the fact that Northampton is in the midlands in England. The session lasted about half an hour. The follow on plan is to video some work and pupils and send these to the Danish class, there they will try and match the pupil to the work.

All of this was tweeted @standensbarn

I then spoke to each of the 5 parents at home collection to explain what we had done today and to make them aware of their child’s involvement.

Impact on learners:
The children loved doing the session and sang brilliantly. They understood the enormity of what we had just done – chatted to children in Denmark via google hangout!

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