Posts from our eTwinning partners in Iceland and Denmark

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Best Practice Across Europe eTwinning project

Here are some sample posts from the project Twinspace. Please provide some feedback or some observations of your own for these Icelandic students, either via the comments on this blog or on the Twinspace.


eTwinTTPilot14/15_Jóhann Eiriksson – 29.03.2016 14:03

I was in my practicum in Grundaskoli in Akranes. I worked with kids in 8th grade. The students worked a lot on ipads in diffrent subjects. Mostly I saw them work on, which is a new idea that collects students work in one place like a notebook. When students have to study from the notebook it will be through playing games. The games will use things from the notebook to let the students learn.

I made a treasure hunt game in a program called Turfhunt, because the ipads in the school does not have 3g network. I had to ask the students to use there smartphone. When I had organized the class in to groups and was about to start the game did not work. So I did the treasure hunt with text message and the game was inside and outdoors. The purpose of the game was to get the class closer together.


eTwinTTPilot15/16_Jóhanna Sigrún A – 26.03.2016 13:39

In my practicum I worked with kids in third grade. They are at the age of 7 to 8 years old. We did not use the technology outdoors. We worked with them on three protects related to technology. One was with iPads where we worked on integration on Icelandic, literacy and information Technology. The other two projects were worked in a computer room where the students was introduced to new ways of sharing knowledge.

The project that I found most fun was the one that gave the students free hands on express themselves creatively. I presented the program Comic life to theme where they were handed fun projects. If I only had longer time for this project I could have let the students go outdoors to take pictures with iPads. The pictures would then be used for the Comic.

The students were intended to generate a Comic story with beginning middle and an ending with at least 3 characters.

Jóhanna  Sigrún Andrésdóttir

2 thoughts on “Posts from our eTwinning partners in Iceland and Denmark

  1. I am really interested to take a look at the apps you have mentioned , Comic Story and Turfhunt . I have never used these apps before but it sounds like they would have lots of different uses across the curriculum. I am going t download them and take a look hopefully I may get a chance to use them in my next placement !

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