Elements of Art by Gemma Wade

I have found using apps such as pic collage are a great tool for teaching. It has multiple uses in the classroom  and is so easy to access . Being an Art specialist, I try to include a creative aspect in many of my lessons and Pic Collage is an ideal tool to showcase the individual outcomes in a quick,simple and effective visual means.

Often I will create a Pic collage or two of the work produced during a lesson so I can share it on Twitter or add it to a class blog as visual record of what the children have done. Pic collage has also proved an easy tool to create effective flyer designs for my Art club, with the option to add text, my own photos and also search images on the internet. I was really pleased with my design and it took me 5 minutes to create and print, a perfect solution for busy teachers.

I would also encourage teachers to get the children using pic collage as an easy and  effective way for children to document their learning for example children may document the different stages during a design technology project or  perhaps  take photographs to document a problem solving activity in maths.

Here are some of my most recent Pic collages from when my year 1 class made sculptural self portraits inspired by the artist Joseph Cornell. These are the collages of our Joseph Cornell boxes. I  quoted some of the children’s thoughts alongside their work:

IMG_0359 IMG_0360 IMG_0361 IMG_0362 IMG_0363 IMG_0364IMG_0360IMG_0361IMG_0362IMG_0363IMG_0364

Another one I created for year 6 to use on the covers of their sketch books. All the art work was by the children:


And finally  one I created to define the elements of art again a visual for the children to refer to in their sketchbooks! I


Finally, here I used PicCollage to document the process of dry point print making on my art blog at university


by Gemma Wade
BA Primary Year 2 Art Specialist

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