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Web App

The digital education package (Webapp and wrap around text) developed during the CyGen project was co-designed with children (aged 8-13), teachers and parents across the four partner countries: UK, Belgium, Denmark and Greece. The Webapp enables pupils to engage in a virtual learning environment, offering them ‘real-life’ scenarios in which to enact and explore the possibilities of the digital environment. These real-life scenarios are ‘played’ by several characters. Each of the character activities is focused on developing children’s digital skills in order to support their safe, informed digital engagement. More particularly, the Webapp, has been designed to encourage both ‘online’ engagement and ‘offline’ discussion between children, teachers and parents. In so doing, it responds to a need articulated in the academic literature (Livingstone et al, 2011) and by children, teachers and parents in our project about the need for greater dialogue and shared understandings about the challenges children experience online.  The Webapp report and ‘wrap around’ educational resources will be available soon along with the wider project resources. The Webapp's are free to access with the logins below. There are four different Webapp's that would meet each country needs in the project.

Open the Webapp

8 to 11 year olds
CyGen - Webapp - Ελλάδα
CyGen - Webapp - United Kingdom
CyGen - Webapp - België

Open the Webapp

12 to 13 year olds
CyGen - Webapp - Danmark


Log in details

Username: cygen
Password: safe

Log in details

Username: dk_student1
Password: 123456