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The project has the following intellectual outputs (IOs).

IO1: Scoping and needs analysis: This intellectual output mapped the country-specific and EU-wide challenges and opportunities facing children and young people in diverse European member states on their safe use of the Internet.

IO2: Participatory Design Model: This is the participatory design methodology which was used to engage users in the design process. The output will consist of a conceptual description of the methodology; a design kit; and a step-by-step guide which will be open access and available on the project website for future use by stakeholders.

IO3: Design workshops: These are the workshops with users from the participating schools. Each workshop has produced user inputs to be considered and integrated into the design of IO4 Co-designed Digital Education Programme.

IO4: Co-designed digital education programme: This is the digital education programme that was co-produced and co-designed with children attending the four partner schools. The programme was flexibly developed, making use of appropriate digital and other technologies in order to meet the specific challenges identified by young people and drawing on their knowledge, skills and experiences with regard to healthy on line behaviour.

IO5: Evaluation: Developed with teachers and children this IO evaluated the impact of the programme on children’s digital participation, social and emotional literacy and safety. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected to assess these impacts on specific criteria (the accessibility and usability of the digital programme) and on children’s, teachers and parents perceptions of these impacts (assessed before during and after the intervention).

IO6: Scientific papers and articles in academic and professional journals: Academic papers and ‘think pieces’ that will be published in academic and professional journals in order to maximize dissemination within partner countries, the European community and internationally.