6th February 2018
Park Inn, Northampton, UK
The event, which coincides with Safer Internet Day 2018, marks the completion of the first year of our EU funded Cyber Safe Generation (www.cygen.eu) & the first year of the project’s work in the UK.
CyGen is an Erasmus+ project with partners in the UK, Denmark, Belgium & Greece which works co-productively with children, teachers and parents to understand the opportunities & challenges that the internet presents for children & to co-design educational resources to support their safe online participation. The project is funded for three years (Sep 2016- Sep 2019). The brochure for the conference can be downloaded here.
Overview of the CyGen project: Digital Lives: Children’s perspectives
By Professor Helen Lomax, University of Huddersfield, Dr Jane Murray, University of Northampton & Dr Michelle Pyer, University of Northampton
The presentation can be downloaded here. This opening presentation will introduce the CyGen project. First, we will discuss the aims and rationale for undertaking the research, outlining the context in which the study is unfolding. Second, we will consider the values which underpin CyGen, exploring our participatory approach and co-design methodology.Finally, we will describe how the children’s creative ideas, knowledge and experiences are informing the development of an online educational resource developed with project partners in Denmark, Greece and Belgium through a process of iterative design and development.
Children as participatory reporters
The CyGen conference was reported on by six children in Year 5 who are apart of the CyGen project.
A digitally connected world: Opportunities and risks
By Detective Inspector Ed McBride-Wilding, Cyber Crime Unit of East Midlands Police Special Operations Unit
In a world where globalisation and technology are bringing us all together, digital technologies, data sharing and analysis offer ever expanding opportunities to tailor our environment around us. Each new technology, service and social network we create and adopt increases the vectors for exploitation and some of our most vulnerable people are the first to embrace them. It is awareness of the risks that allows people to make informed choices, and therefore education of young people, their educators and carers is fundamental to helping protect them from the risks that we have long understood offline.
Keeping each other safe: A role for digital animations in safeguarding children
Dr Hayley Davies, University of Leeds
Digital technologies are often regarded as a threat to children’s safety, but for children they can be an important resource in staying safe. This was one of the findings from a qualitative project entitled Keeping Each Other Safe, which was undertaken with 20 boys and girls aged 8-10 in South London.
Amusing ourselves to death: At what cost to children?
Dr Marion Oswald, Director of the Centre for Information Rights, University of Winchester
21st century digital culture continues to emphasise the image, now often combined with ‘bite-sized’ written messages. We have instant 24/7 access to information and rolling news. We are fascinated by reality programming and digital technologies that allow us to scrutinise and comment upon each other’s lives.
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