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A note from our CyGen UK link teacher: Trafford Ayres

We have been working with the CyGen team for nearly a year now, since they first visited Preston Hedges to run a logo competition for the project in the summer of 2017. Since then, they have been working with the children in Year 5 to run a range of different activities, listening to their views through workshops and focus groups, and working with them to interview parents and teachers. As one of the teachers being interviewed, it was an interesting experience to be on the other side but the professionalism from the team was outstanding and they held themselves impeccably.

On the event day we arrived by coach and were the first into lunch. The children were pleased with their conference bags (and the pudding!). They then ran different workshops with members of the CyGen team for members of the public, academics and professionals – a great experience for them and an opportunity to share the hard work that they have put into the project. Some of the children also acted as reporters, taking photos and videos of sessions. A question and answer session hosted by Preston Hedges children with members of the CyGen team took a lot of confidence but showed their understanding of the topics and motivation for being part of the project. The children had a brilliant day and were filmed to go on BBC Look East on the night of the event. You can see the feature on our School webpage here.

Trafford Ayres, Year 5 teacher and CyGen liaison, Preston Hedges School