I really enjoyed using Prezi because it provided lots of opportunities...
Session 2 of Computing required us to discover different presentation tools...
In our ICT sessions we have been focusing on creating resources...
We decided to select a starter project ‘5 Random facts about...
I myself have never used this program before so it was...
This is my scratch...
After working with Prezi in one of our computing sessions, our...
Here is my Scratch Animation I created during session 5. I...
Hi guys, I have found this really good scheme of work...
We created a talking moving picture of Winston Churchill to help...
The Khalsa is a group of people who are true to...
Subject: Religious Education Key Stage: 2 Title: Hinduism -What you should know Idea: Power...
This simple animation could be used as a model for a...
A basic lesson plan I put together that can be picked...
I have created a simple Prezzi to practise using the tool....
Scratch provide youngsters with the perfect introduction to programming. This relatively...
In our session we used Lego WeDo to show how software...
Taslima and I have made a curriculum plan for the topic...
A potentially good planning resource on the theme of Doctors. I...