Following the work I have been doing on digital art at university ,I was keen to bring my experience in to the classroom on placement so when my mentor asked me to organise making Mother’s Day cards I had the perfect opportunity to do just this. Working with year 1 I decided to use just one app to introduce the children to digital image manipulation and I felt RollWorld would be a good choice as it is easy to use and most importantly , it creates fantastic images;I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t love using it! The children created some art work which focused on shape and colour initially using felt tip pens, we the photographed their work and they manipulated it in RollWorld. The children loved the different effects they were able to achieve and were really proud of their very professional looking Mother’s Day cards which were produced. Most importantly , the mums all loved their unique and unusual cards and we even managed to create a fantastic digital art work display to brighten up the class room.Many of the children enjoyed using the app so much that they went home and downloaded it on their own tablets so they could continue to experiment and create their own body of digital art.