Video conference with Denmark, Iceland and Spain

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On 4th December our Digital Leaders held their first video conference with School of Education staff and students in Denmark, Iceland and Spain as part of our Best Practice Across Europe eTwinning project. We introduced ourselves and planned to keep in touch and share ideas using the Twinspace, Facebook and Google Hangouts.

We all shared ideas on the project theme of Technology Outdoors and described some of the webtools and apps we have been using recently. Students from Spain, England, Denmark and Iceland will share video diaries and undertake a Culture in a Box project in four international groups, which involves swapping information about their countries and producing presentations on their partner country’s cultural assets. They will go on to develop project ideas and lesson plans and test them out in schools, with an option of video conferencing with another classroom.

The project will give our students experience of how eTwinning can be used to create international learning experiences for pupils.

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