Back in January, the History specialists had a seminar on integrating...
I have used Scratch before but still struggle to use it...
I thought I would upload the video that I made based...
Session 3 of Digital Literacy required us to read Chapter 1...
We decided to select a starter project ‘5 Random facts about...
Subject: RE (Judaism) Key Stage: 2 Title: Judaism Idea: A presentation with...
I think Prezi is a more advanced, interesting version of Word...
During Session 5 of Computing and Digital Literacy, we attempted to...
So during our Technology outside the Classroom lesson, Martha and I...
In this lesson my class was looking at how to use...
This Ellie, Evie, Ashleigh, Emily and I playing Pac-Man using one...
Codeacademy: When looking around for different websites that link with programming,...
During the Makey-Makey session me and my partners Grace and Amena...
Abbie Spence and I (Victoria Smith) created a lesson plan for...
As part of my Year 1 Primary Education Computing Sessions, I...
The images below were created using the app fragment. Within an...
Steph and I created this lesson plan using guidance from the...
In this session, I went on a Super Mario game,...
Emma and I created our own lesson plan involving the animation...
Lily and I created this resource using Scratch, we focused on...