Harry’s Book of Science

Harry’s Book of Science


Introduce key words for Science in particular the topic area of Animals.

Suitable For:

Key Stage One

App Required:

Book Creator which is a free application and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store

Creation Process:

To use this application effectively, select an area of a subject, in this case key vocabulary for the topic area of Animals within the Science curriculum. Create pages of the book using a variety of multimedia such as text, images, animation, sound and video. Once completed it can be opened using iBook’s or other book reading applications.

Learning Benefits:

Allows for children to create their own books and this basis can be used in other subjects across the National Curriculum. In addition, it allows for a variety of multimedia to be used and improving ICT skills.

Taking It Further:

Create your own book in another aspect of science such as everyday materials, seasonal changes and plants. This could also be used to record investigations which children have completed. Additionally, this could be used in small groups to create pages for the book and then collate these together into one book.

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