Student Achievements

Graham Mitchell Award

This is awarded to final year Psychology students who have gone above and beyond their degree, enthusing others about Psychology, widening Psychology participation within the local community, or by leading activities which enhance the student voice.

This year, the award goes to Simi Thakkar for her outstanding efforts on the Psychology and Counselling programme/pathway.

Simi is a course representative and has thoroughly represented her peers’ voices for the past 3 years. She has advocated for her peer group in SSLC. Simi has also continued to support peers not on her pathway, by offering advice on the dissertation module and related modules (easing anxieties) during difficult times in academia. Furthermore, Simi has supported the team by attending Psychology events and supporting our Open Days as a student ambassador, enthusing prospective students about Psychology at UON. She clearly is the perfect candidate for this award.

Simi Thakkar

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