Welcome to SO-PSYCHED!, the online version of the newsletter produced by the staff and students of Psychology & Sociology at the University of Northampton. If you want to print out a copy, you can download the print version from the “Print Archive” link above.

Please feel free to share any of these articles on social media – use the hashtags #UON-SOPSYCHED, #UON-PSYCHED or #UON-SOCIO as appropriate, or tag our Instagram or Twitter accounts (see Links page) and we’ll give you a like or retweet etc.

If you want to contribute an article to SO-PSYCHED!, please email Liz Gulliford (liz.gulliford@northampton.ac.uk) with your idea or a draft. We’re particularly keen to get student and alumni voices shared in our newsletter, so we’d love to hear from you!

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